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Caricature of a Teddy Boy in red drapes painted on black leather, mounted and in a black frame.

Image size approx 5.75” x 3.75” and framed size 9” x 7”. This frame has glazing.

Can be put on the wall or displayed on a shelf, cupboard or dresser.

Truly unique artwork - a great choice!


UK postage included in the price.


Copy and Paste the link below into a 'Hint Hint' email message to someone who may like to know that you would like this as a gift for your birthday/christmas/anniversary

Teddy Boy

  • Refunds will be given once product is received back in good order.  Any damages must be reported within 24 hours receipt of the item. Please see our full T&Cs regarding returns.  Your statutory rights are not affected.

  • As with any original artwork do not hang in direct sunlight or above an open fire as this can give off soot.

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