Charcoal drawing of a Tiger
I am often asked "Where do you start" when creating a new piece of artwork.
As I work mainly from photographs the first thing I have to do is find an image that I wish to use as reference material. Sometimes this image comes from friends, image source websites where I pay a fee, photographer friends who give me permission or I have taken the photograph myself.
This tiger was one of my favourites - I loved the attitude and the beauty of this animal. My wife also loved this drawing because she says it was like painting a negative - the whiskers weren't so much drawn in, as left blank - the whiskers are the plain paper not a white pencil. The black graphite is the only thing used. Keeping the paper clean was the biggest challenge!
The series of photographs below will show you the order that I created the artwork.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.